Test your wits and your reflexes and go from zero to hero as you help everyone get a few winks they so badly need! A simple and addicting clicker, this game will get you clicking for hours without you noticing!

Role Developer
Engine and tools used Unity, GitHub, Visual Studio
Tasks *Designed the entire game, the concept and the overall art style. Did the scripting. Managed personal tasks and broke down the general idea to smaller SMART goals.
*Designed all the pixel art assets for the game using Aseprite.
*Incorporated the A* search algorithm for all elements' pathfinding.
*Utilized state machines and developed the transition of in-game customers from one state to another as they progress through the complete cycle from arriving at the café to paying and leaving.
*Underwent complete code refactoring once.
Platforms PC (Windows)
Team size 1 (myself)
Project length October 17, 2020 - October 23, 2020 (game jam proper), August 2021 - present (code refactoring, overall game improvement)
Notes on used assets,  libraries and functions All assets were produced by me.

My thoughts

Right after I submitted Rewind, I was still riding high. I knew I wanted to challenge myself to another short game jam. In the short period between Rewind and Dormir, I pushed myself to learning more about programming and I was relatively more confident about my capacities. There were quite some advantages and disadvantages about this, though. Going into this jam, I was setting a high standard for my scripts while having time and my still-raw-skills against me. It was a period when my true capacities were revealed to me and in the end, I wasn't able to submit the game in time for the jam. But as with all the past games I did, I saw it as another material that I had at my disposal. It was another material through which, if I had the time, I could maybe learn a few pixel art tricks, or a new method through which I could execute pathfinding more elegantly, or a new syntax that would allow me to write long, redundant scripts concisely. It was a big well of countless opportunities which, in the end, I was able to drink a lot from. I did all the art myself, learned about the A* pathfinding algorithm and a few more and, during a major code refactoring, was able to clean the whole code.

Besides Rewind, Dormir was another game that kept me indoors and kept me glued to my seat, excited to just keep on typing and see what the next line of code does to the game. I was genuinely enjoying every moment as the game unfolds bit by bit! 

This copy of the game is the refactored one with more characters. The game's storyline has also been improved, but not yet executed. I plan on improving the UI, giving the player the option to build and buy furniture and adding levels. I have a long way to go, but I present what I have so far! Outwit the implementation and enjoy!


Dormir.zip 35 MB

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